
Ishizawa Baking Soda Scrub Wash 毛穴抚子小苏打洁颜粉100g

  • $16.99

Recommended for

For people concerned about blackheads and rough skin (*1)

Clogged pores can be washed out by baking soda(*2)!

Are you suffering from rough strawberry pores and bumpy orange pores?
“Baking Soda Scrub Wash” removes blackheads by lifting sebum with baking soda. Powder type facial cleanser removes rough skin on the wings of the nose.
If you add water to baking soda, the scrub becomes soft and mild. It is gentle on the skin and removes dead skin cells, and lifts and cleanses the dirt such as clogging and sebum clearly. Moisturizes and smoothens the skin after face wash. Aim for the smoother skin with unnoticeable pores by daily face wash.

*1 Due to dead skin cells and the dirt
*2 Sodium hydrogen carbonate (scrub)

Wonderful Baking Soda Power!

いちご毛穴 ブツブツ目立つ角栓が原因
オレンジ毛穴 乾燥でカチコチ角質が原因

How to use “Baking Soda Scrub Wash”

★ Take a moderate amount and lather

The lather is limited to get the scrub sensation.

★ Wash the target areas with clogged pores

Apply the lather on the target areas such as around the T-zone, cheeks, and chin. Then gently wash the entire face without rubbing. Finally, use the cold water to tighten pores.